About Tatiana

Tatiana is a graduate of the University of San Diego with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. She is currently a Data Analyst at Dell Technologies. In her free time, she enjoys photography, graphic design and running. She is never one to pass up a Mario Kart tournament.

Programming Skills





Other Skills



Adobe Photoshop


Data Analyst, Dell Technologies

August 2021 — Present

Part of the FY22 ITDP Cohort.

Online Python Instructor, iD Tech

June 2021 — July 2021

Taught Python courses to students aged 13-17.

Student, University of San Diego

September 2017 — May 2021

Earned a B.S. in Computer Science and minored in Mathematics.

Digital/IT Intern, Dell Technologies

June 2020 — July 2020

Interned on the Connectivity & IoT Team • Applied data analytics techniques to format, combine and manipulate aggregated log data using industry standard analytics tools • Analyzed and visualized data to identify indicative failure patterns in the connectivity space and suggested improved monitoring thresholds • Provided a methodology for operational analytics